I haven't done what's on your work desk Wednesday for a while because I have been very busy with preparations for the Christmas fair on Saturday. Not that you would know it from my desk because it doesn't look much different however I can assure you that a lot has been happening!

Lots of you already know that I am starting up a new business called Hare Moon Crafts which specialises in fingerprint, artwork, pawprint and hand/footprint silver jewellery as well as all the things I normally do like my strawsilk glassware and my beaded baubles and cards.
Setting up new business in the current climate is quite daunting and scary but as it is a business to add on to my normal daily job and not to support our family I am confident that we can make it work - wish me luck. Who knows it might become so successful that I can quit the day job and then I will be in crafting heaven! So my apologies for not having been around much - I will try to do my best to get round as many of you as possible this week and hopefully you will see more of me in the future. Happy blog hopping!
Good luck with both the fair and your new venture! Sounds like a busy time ahead! Helen 37
All the very best with your new business - I'm sure it will go well as you are so very passionate about it.
Margaret #60
ah Morti, so you are busy. I do pray all goes well with your newbie of a business, and wisdom in the decisions you make .. thanks for sharing! happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x #10
Good luck with your new business venture. & hope the new year is profitable. Happy woyww jill #40
Good luck with the new venture sounds very interesting..
Sandy :) #42
Our family business started out as my Mom's hobby so you never really know! All the best in your new business!
happy WOYWW!
hugs, peggy aplSEEDS @ 9
Good luck with the fair on Saturday..hope it all goes well. Your stuff is lovely so I'm sure it'll sell!
Hugs, LLJ 36 xx
Oh great good luck for Saturday. And when you've got a minute, put the link on your blog...your logo is so good and so memorable, it needs to be everywhere!
Good luck with your new business. #4
Hope your fair goes wonderful this weekend! Not too many in my area, but when one happens I love to pick up fun handmade gifts. Good luck with your business, it sounds very cool!! Winnie#70
I wish you all the luck with your new venture-also where is the fair on Saturday? Is there a FB invite? Good luck with that too.
kyla #65
Hi Morti- wishing you so much good luck with your new venture- sounds fabulous. Running late this week, playing catch-up now. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #57 xx
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