Today's is a toughy. As I type this it's Tuesday afternoon and I know darned well that I've got panto rehearsal tonight and won't get time to do this later, so I should just do this now and schedule the post.
Trouble is, I have little to say (guess that will no doubt change though) and no photos to share (at the mo, that may also change). I do, however, have a couple of things to blog about.
Thank you all for your kind words and support last week over the studying. I've still not got my head down to my studies, though that is coming. I've also not yet complained about my tutor. I think that's going to happen at the weekend. Tricky one, because if they refuse to assign me a new tutor, she could make my life hell. I'm sure though, they have rules over that, and I'd get a refund ultimately. But as I say, thank you all for your kindness, your input and feedback. It's very, very much appreciated!
Secondly, just wanted to say a quick welcome to Kym's Craft Cards, who has joined the Mad Ramblers..... thanks for signing up to my perusals and ruminations....
My desk - at the mo, no picture, but this may yet be edited. No picture, because nothing to report! No cards (except one Lil Miss B made, but it had to go in the post before I got a picture. I let her loose with my Copics - and they survived - Ulp!), no CJ, no studies. My script was on there earlier but it hardly makes it worthy of a picture. There might be something on there for five minutes later, in which case I'll snap a pic then and add some more.
In the meantime, by the time you're reading this it will be WOYWW, and you should be surfing the creation stations as displayed by the Great Desk Jockey,
Miss Dunnit. Well? What are you waiting for? Get on with it!!! LOL - catch you around!
Well, 7am, I switch on my camera to take a pic of my desk and discover that I did, after all, take a pic of Lil Miss B's card.

She'd seen the card I made last week, and wanted to do something similar. Bless!
My desk now looks like this - all geared up to "alter" a toy retractable dagger for panto, and make it look more authentic and less like a toy! Check back soon for an update on how I'm getting on with it!