I do need to get back into my other crafting so hopefully there’ll be something a bit different to share in future WOYWWs.
Wednesday, 27 March 2024
WOYWW 773 - all…. wet…on the western front.
I do need to get back into my other crafting so hopefully there’ll be something a bit different to share in future WOYWWs.
Wednesday, 20 March 2024
WOYWW 772- What's going on 'ere then?
Well, Hi!
So a whole month passed since I blew the dust off this 'ere blog, and I'm only just getting round to making another post. I mean, I'm not entirely sure what's going on, or why, but it seems I sneezed and then... March. Heh heh heh....
It's also been a Loooooong time since I last took part in any WOYWW shenanigans, so perhaps I should just hand back my crafters hat and.... what's that you say? I should post?
OK - well - there's not much to show. The desk is the same as it looked last time really. Things get moved around and shuffled. Every so often I have a fit of tidying up. Then a fit of crafting. Then a fit of forgetting to clear up after me. Rewind, Repeat.
Except it really isn't the same, is it? If you look at my last WOYWW - three years ago, ohhh, the shame.... - it's in a completely different position. SO yeah, we moved the craft room round and my work work desk is now in what was Lil Miss B's bedroom, she having now moved out permanently, and we have a futon where the craft work desk used to be, that having filled the work work desk space. It's all good. Less distracting. But also I get less actual crafting done. Because I don't see it daily, I'm neither reminded nor inspired. I am however doing even more stitching than ever, and have about 14 WIPs on the go. Yikes...
So I'll drop a pic in here and call it done for today. When I have a bit more time (cos I'm on a break from work right now and don't have time to go into depth) I'll start putting in an update for what I've been up to and what work I've completed. And my designs I've done lately too.... oh yes, this girl is now a bona fide cross stitch designer and I've officially sold a whole six patterns. LOL

Oh yeah.... the trolley? That's my stitching "work desk" which sits by my stitching station (aka the sofa) and as you can see, the pile it high mess is the same there too.....
Toodle pip - happy hopping!