I need to blog more often I think.
My excuse on this occasion is relatives visiting at Easter - I love my Mum to bits but her visit had a serious knock-on effect on my crafting, and my blogging.
Anyway, I have created some more inchies and ATCs lately - here they are:
The ATCs are for a swap on UK STampers which has the theme of "Black & White". All the images are Lisa Volrath, from the free Monthly Muse issue. I need to subscribe now!

Also on UK Stampers we have another Inchy swap - the theme for this one is "Bling". The photo definitely does NOT do them justice - they're beautifully pearlescent and sparkly in real life!

And last but not least, for the moment, we have an Inchy swap on Aunty's too - three guesses what the theme is for this one...

The one trouble with my photos of the inchies is that I've used pearlescent ink on parts, so you can't actually read the text that's on each one. Each inchy is unique - in the "Bling" swap, the text reads things like "Bling is King" and "Bling it on", "Bling me sunshine" etc. Sorry, my wit is weak from time to time! On the "Yellow" Inchies, I've just used the word yellow, only in 9 different languages including Korean, Greek, Hebrew....
Till tomorrow!