Here we are for another WOYWW (deets and the world keeps on turning. Sorry I've not been around much - we've all had the Lurgy here and a fortnight ago we sadly had to let our beloved Twig cross the rainbow bridge which pretty much put a down on everyone's mojo.
My desk this week mostly looks yarn shaped. I've finished work on one scarf, am working in this one...

...and working on a third one in regular wool as a knit-a-long with Mr B. yes, you read it right here.... Md B is knitting. He already knew the knit stitch, but no others and rather likes the idea of learning. It's the Navy part of him you see. All those knots.

I've done a wee bit to Project Life, but as always there's not much to show until the photos are developed so you'll just have to possess your souls in patience till then.

Will I get round anyone this week? Who knows? Panto is now in full rehearsal and this week Mr B is working nights on the trucks (having quit teaching - did I mention that yet?) so hopefully you'll see me on the hop.... Catch you around!!!
Hi there, Morti! The knitting looks great! Love the photo of you and Mr B. Those slippers look very cosy!!! And who are you in the Panto? Or are you behind the scenes? Oh yes she is: oh no she isn't etc etc!!! Have fun! Julie Ann xx #38
Woww what ply wool are you using it looks soooo thin,,,you really are a good knitter. It's good to see a man knitting...what is he making?
By the way I hav a give away on my blog post if you are interested.
Have a good week
XX Julie (paperpathway) 59
We did not get a chance to catch up properly at crop and I didn't even get to shout down the tables at ya about being settled and liking the non commute lifestyle. and then I read that Mr B isn't teaching, blimey, way to change things!
as for knitting..yep, it's definitely a left brain thing I Dunnit is a great Arran knitter.
Sounds like lots going on, loving the knitting! Take care Zo xx 73
Wow. Mr Knitter! Well done. Shame we didn't get much of a catch up at the crop. Will do better next time. Love the scarf, BTW, it looks so lovely and lacy and I love the soft and misty colours.
I am determined to be early this week
Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (27)
Oh seems like interesting things are happening! Mr. B quit teaching?!? Knitting is fun and yes lots of knots!!! :-)
Lots of hugs,
Wat to go Mr B your yarn looks a fab colour love those loopy scarves
Happy Wednesday
Fantastic to see a man knitting, think you're right about the navy! What panto are you doing and what are you cast to play? Hope the rehearsals go well. Hugs. Pam#37
Hi Morti, lovely pic of you and Mr. Knitting looks good, not something I do. I know how to, Mum taught me, she used to knit everything, its just not something I can get into. Have a good week, Hugs, Shaz #31 xx
Nice to see an old sea dog doing his knitting magic! Hope all is well..I was surprised to hear Mr B has jacked in teaching....what a shame, cos he was inspirational. But it's all the other work rubbish that makes the job so hard......
Hope you are all well,
Hugs, LLJ 44 xx
Great to see it has become a family activity! Always nice to be able to share the love you have for crafting with others, especially if it's your family!
Debbie #53
Hi Morti
I am sorry to hear your sad news always a difficult time for the family.
I love the fact that your husband sits and knits beside you how cool is that
Happy WOYWW and wishing you a great week
Ria #50
Great knitting. That's the 2nd blog I've written that on this afternoon.
Will wait patiently, but I'm interested to see what you're doing with PL.
You really are making changes all ways! Hope you enjoy your knitting together, I think that's great. Happy WOYWW, have a good week. Helen 20
Hi Morti,
Drats, two of the photos didn't come up for me. I'll come back later to see if I can see them.
Peace, Kay (19)
I'm so sorry to hear about your beloved Twig. And I am quite impressed that Mr. B knows how to knit! That's amazing to me!
Happy WOYWW!
Hugs, peggy aplSEEDS @ 25
Hope you are all on the mend hun. that wool looks difficult to knit with (bet it knits up lovey though).
happy woyww
kyla 71
Hi Morti - knitting harmony there! I bet Mr B would be ace at Macrame!!! x Jo
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