I figured it was high time I posted again - so you guys don't think I've dropped off the face of the earth. I haven't, I'm just gearing up for a house move. Yup, we've been here for just shy of two years now, and its time to move on as the owners will be back from Dubai in August!
So, I give you exhibit A:

And exhibit B:

Needless to say I'm not getting much crafting done. Ok, any.
So, go on back to Mrs Dunnit's blog to continue hopping your way around the WOYWW world.
Oh - and before I forget - thank you to all you wonderful ladies for your good wishes after the wedding!
Welcome back to the mad world of WOYWW - good luck with the move... don't envy you!! Helen 7
Welcome back and good luck with the move. Happy crafting #12
Oh looks like you're going to be really busy getting all that packed up. Best wishes on your house move,
Bernice #23
Hi Morti
welcome back (the link didn't work but I figured it out)just had a look back at the wedding pics.... fabulous the bouquet turned out fab ... how much did it weigh in the end. Love the hat with the dials on.
good luck with the move
janet #25
Nice to see you about Morti. Oh the horror - I can't imagine having to pack up my craft room, I wouldn't know where to start!! Happy WOYWW and good luck with the move.
oh my...that is a lot of stuff to pack. Hope the move goes smoothly, hoping i'll get time to drop by again soon. i do miss snooping around everyone's desks.
hope you have a good wednesday. caroline #41 (akilli melek)
Hi Morti
oh gosh how do you start to pack up after only two years of being there. It is hard enough with just household stuff but when you have craft stuff as well that makes for a real problem.
I wish you lots of luck with your packing and your move and I will send over the house clearance fairies for you
Sending hugs for WOYWW and hope you enjoy the rest of your week
Ria #45
Nice to see you back Mrs B! Shame you're having to leave that lovely cottage, I know everyone who's stayed or visited has loved it, hope you find somewhere as nice. can't imagine packing up my craft space!!
Brenda 28
wow 2 years is not a long time at one place, so will you house sit again? I rather like long tenancy myself.
All the best with the move
Bridget #24
Oh my I don't envy the packing up and moving! I seem to have moved every 3 years over the last 12yrs and this house I am in now I just love and I want to stay for many years lol!! From the photos it looks like you had a great craft area, so I hope that you get the same or bigger/better in the next house! Hope the moves goes well :-). Happy WOYWW.
Janene #69
Ugh, packing. Still, on the bright side..this move will make your working life a whole lot more compatible with your real life huh!
Hi Morti! I wondered where you were after I commented for the first time a while back the week before you vanished! I'm still bowled over by that amazing wedding with all the lovely clothes. Sounds like you've been having a busy time! I hope you'll be able to manage some crafting soon; it's lovely to see you back! Julie Ann #17 x
busy house right now. Crafting will have to take a back seat for a while. I use it as stress relief so leave a few bits out so you can have a play day once in a while! Have a great week. Thanks for sharing. Vickie #71
Too bad that you didn't get any crafting done! I hope you will soon!
Uniflame - 82
I don't envy you having to pack up to move. It looks like you have a wonderful workspace and lots of crafting goodness. I hope everything for your move goes well! Happy WOYWW! Danie #74
Oh rather you than me - good luck with the move! x Jo
Aw wow a move, I hope it goes well, and not too stressful for you all. Take care Zo xx 91
Oh dear - I don't envy you with moving :-( Great looking stash :-)
IKE x #13
Good luck on getting it all packed up in time for the move. I DO NOT envy you. I want to move but with 37 years here, I almost faint at the thought of how to even pack my craft stuff...LOL
Krisha #22
Now all that wedding palaver is out of the way....
Seriously, happy newlywed wishes once more. Look forward to photos if I make crop - and you do as well...
Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (41)
Loving all of your crafts and creative space! Too bad you're across the ocean!! :D hee hee
Good luck with the packing and moving! Never easy, but hope it is a smooth transition for you and that you will be back to creating soon!Winnie#82
Good luck with the move!
Your craftings space looks so great! Very inspring!
Happy WW!
die amelie #87 xx
packing and moving, i wouldn't get any crafting done either! i hope you'll be able to get through as quickly as possible. the bouquets you made for the wedding are amazing! all the best!!!
I was only thinking last night that I hadn't seen you here for a couple of weeks! Best of luck with the packing- I have told Beloved Hubby we are never moving- the thought of trying to pack all this stuff up scares the living daylights out of me. I'd need a van just for my stuff,lol.Are you staying in the same area? Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #70 x
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