
Wednesday 27 March 2024

WOYWW 773 - all…. wet…on the western front.

Well, I’m here. And definitely feeling g the effects of an incredibly rainy winter. 🙄 I didn't get round to visit any one last week because Google/Blogger was playing up and wouldn't let me log in to comment.  I've had to do it this week from my laptop rather than my mobile.

A bit late, but late is better than never. It’s a bit quiet at Morti Mansions, and to be frank, most of my crafting work is pretty non-existent . These days generally is the stitching. But I am back l! So here is my “desk” as it were for today - my stitching station in the lounge. Currently on it is my stitch along (SAL) from The World of Cross Stitching magazine. I’m a little bit behind by about 2 1/2 months… maybe one and a half, seeing as the latest part was only released last Wednesday. 

The other desk upstairs doesn’t look any different to last week. I dare you to play spot the difference!LOL

I do need to get back into my other crafting so hopefully there’ll be something a bit different to share in future WOYWWs. 

Happy Hopping!

Morti x


Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Morti, sometimes it's difficult to get in the right frame of mind for crafting and that's when I turn to projects like the one's I'm doing at the moment. These mixed media projects come with everything you need and you can complete it as explained or add your own ideas. Hope you feel more in the mood soon. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x12x

Helen said...

stitching is crafting! good to see you again this week. Happy WOYWW Helen #10

BJ said...

I say just do what your heart wants you to and if the urge to paper craft or art journal grabs you then that is the right time, but continue with the beautiful cross stitch for now. Hugs BJ#11

Marit said...

I love your stitching station, I sometimes wish I had some 'small crafting' hobby so I could sit in the living room with just one trolley, but I seem to need a studio and lots of space on the table and stuff around me... oh well, that's allright too i guess. I wish you a lovely Easter-weekend! Hug from Holland, Marit #2

Neet said...

I've not crafted since I fell in January and split open my knee so I too am feeling a bit like it's a struggle to get into it. I am hoping that when I can bend my knee and sit at a table I will get motivated with a few videos from favourite crafters. Try it it might work for you too.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I think I've found your lost comment. For some reason the daft internet had held it back thinking it might be spam, don't ask me why it liked the other two......who knows! Hugs Angela xXx

Diana Taylor said...

I love a bit of cross stitch - it's so relaxing, and you look very well set up with your stitching station in the lounge - I love that idea! Enjoy the process, I'm sure other crafting will follow when you are ready for it. Have a great week,
Diana xx #8

Chana Malkah said...

There are no rules in crafting! :D) Go where your creative drive leads you! Sorry for the late visit! Have a fabulous week!
Chana WOYWW #16

My name is Cindy said...

I agree this wet weather is getting me down (and I have had nearly month in the sunshine!!). Hope you get to some other crafting soon but the stitching is great and if it makes you happy so what? Enjoy your time off. Thank you for your visit, I went a bit downhill Weds afternoon and took to my bed so only just getting round now!! Happy Easter,love n hugs Cindyx

Crafting With Jack said...

I do share that feeling of having something to show for Wednesday, but cross stitch is still crafting and it’s good to watch progression. I also echo Marit’s words, you would be amazed at how much I pack into the caravan 🤣🤣. My chihuahua got attacked Wednesday And it was such a shock and upset for both her and me. She is on the mend thank The Lord. A belated happy WOYWW . Angela #18

Julia Dunnit said...

Can't see any difference but didn't linger for long, makes me feel too at home and I need to get on at my own desk! Love the stitch a long, god I wouldn't be able to keep up with that for sure, not least because even with such good task lighting, I don't think my eyes are up to such finesse!

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