
Wednesday, 14 March 2012

WOYWW 145 - cupcakes in the dark!

Or so it seems from this picture!  It's not, it's just the angle I took it at, and the artificial lighting in there!

This is my desk as I left it last night, with the remains of a cupcake making session strewn across it.  Not real cupcakes, but a cupcake card.  This is what happens when your beloved rings up at 3.30pm and asks if you'd do him a huge favour that evening and help him design a simple Mother's Day card his class could make the next day.  Common sense prevailed and I enlisted the help of Aunty Google to find me a decent template.  Et Voila!  One cupcake card duly made....

The frosting part of the cake is actually made from glitter card and is also embossed using a CB folder - not that you can tell it from here, eh?

For anyone who is wondering why I'm blathering on about my desk and its general state of disarray, head on over to Dunnit Dimensions for a looky-see at everyone else's desks!

Ha!  See, I can do short and sweet.... catch you all on the blog hop!  Hope you're all keeping well!


voodoo vixen said...

Your cupcake in the dark is just darling... and even looks edible!! Let's hope its a super success with the students!!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

That's a fun card! Well done for finding something that looks good but doesn't take too much time for the kiddlywinks to make!! Been there, done that.... :)
You are on for meeting up, been far too long. Shall I come for coffee Sat morning?
Hugs, LLJ #26 xx

jude said...

Beautiful cupcake card that be right wait till the last minute! to ask.I thought at first youd seen the mew cupcake mag as ive just subscribed to it as going to teach daughter how to ice novelty cakes!
Should be fun if not messy !Have fab wednesday and creative week
judex 17

Neet said...

What a brilliant idea you came up with. Bet one son was delighted - hope he can make cupcakes as good as his mother (and the class can too).
Thanks for sharing.
Hugs, Neet xx #19

Joanne said...

Amazing, 'baking' in the near dark LOL
Hugs Joanne xx

Anonymous said...

Looks good enough to eat :) Glad common sense prevailed - wish I could do the same most days LOL!

Happy WOYWW!

Mary Anne

Kate said...

Excellent card, I am sure there will be many mums happy to receive one of those on Sunday.

** Kate **

Kate said...

P.s. I think I might be just down the road from you, you know the place with the big spire!!

** Kate **

Neil said...

Great looking and creative space this week, thanks for sharing. That cupcake does look good enough to eat from here!
Neil #8

May said...

Adorable cupcake card, I'm sure it will be a big hit, have a fun week, Hugs May x x x

Peggy Cain said...

cute cupcake. Have a fun WOYWW.

voodoo vixen said...

Thank you so much for adding me to the mr linky!! I stayed up till half past midnight and then it occurred to me that Julia might decide to have a long lie in bed and I could be sitting for a while!!

Belinda Basson said...

Oh boy, do I have a THING ABOUT CUP CAKES! I love to eat them as well as paint them, draw them and die cut them...basically anything to do with these little sweet yummy things gets me going.

Twiglet said...

Very pretty cupcake - just reminded me that I was going to bake this afternoon! x Jo

ScrappnBee said...

At least you were rung up at 3:30, and not informed at 8pm...or 7:30 the next morning...LOL! Love the pic of the desk and the cupcake. Love the way the top turned out. Have a fabulous WOYWW! -Amanda #39

CraftygasheadZo said...

Great idea using a cupcake. Am sure the kids will enjoy making those. Take care, enjoy snooping around the wonderful desks & enjoy this WOYWW. Zo xx 33

Unknown said...

its looks real !!

thanks for the snoop
Judie xx

kay said...

at least they are calorie free,have a great week,x

Fiona@staring at the sea said...

The cupcake cards looks lovely:) I've gone with short and sweet this week too!
Fiona xx #166


The cup cake looks delicious. It would have been half eaten before it left! lol

Tracy said...

Great idea with the cupcake card! Hope the kiddos like making them. Warmly, Tracy #81 WOYWW

sandra de said...

Well done for using aunty google to do something you want. I do love cupcakes in the dark actually I will have them any time of the day or night.

Anonymous said...

Great card to make en masse, hopefully it went down well with the students too, and hopefully, they didn't have to make it in the dark!

Brenda 12

Lisa said...

Short and sweet but that cute cupcake looks yummy!

Tuire Flemming said...

The cupcake looks very tasty :)
I think that´s a good model to make with the students. Simply enough, but the result looks great.
Have a lovely weekend!
Tuire xx

Julia Dunnit said...

By skill of being really behind, it's almost mothers day now!! It's a fab card, I can see that it's glittery but not the embossing...bunt I know it will have gone down a treat, how sweet and kind you are!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm having a terrible time getting Blogger to cooperate with me. Gotta love that glittery cupcake and frosting!

akilli melek said...

not playing this week, but thought i would pop in to say hello anyway.Like the cupcake card, you can see the embossing really well when you zoom in. I have that folder too - used it for my wedding stationary.

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