Welcome to the Betwixtmas WOYWW - and on this occasion, I'm also calling it WWUYCT, or What Was Under Your Christmas Tree?
For newbies who don't have a clue what I'm on about, the deets can be found HERE at Dunnit Dimensions.
I had a bit of a fail this week. I had every intention of visiting everyone who visited me on last week's WOYWW, and didn't. I simply didn't get on the computer. I also intended to post on Christmas day, but we went for a Xmas Geocache, and were out for 4 hours, finding 18 Geocaches on a six mile walk. It was an epic success, and made our Xmas, I have to say.
Yes we're sad, but how many of you managed to get an 11 year old to walk 6 miles on Christmas Day without complaining, and more to the point, having only opened TWO presents??? An equal success, because it wore out some of her bounce, made Christmas last all day, and then into the bargain, the originator of the Cache ring watched us do part of it from his home, and came out halfway through to ply us with Mince Pies! Yay! Can I just add that Lil Miss B is as "into" Geocaching as we are, so it was no hardship for her, she enjoyed it as much as we did.
Well, onto the main point of my blathering.
My desk this week, as you can see, is clean and pretty tidy. All ready for the next bout of creativity.
My fingers are itching. Amongst my lovely presents was a signed book from Spellbound Beads on beaded baubles, and a kit of the Emperor Bauble (this will be my third bauble from SB themselves). Having not actually done the last one I bought (The Romanov), I feel I should complete it before starting the new one. And I feel confident to start it because I actually finished the Charmed Stocking on Boxing Day, and it now hangs on our tree after its photo shoot (see below).
As for WWUYCT - here are the gratuitous present shots:
Yes, that's a lot of presents, mostly for Lil Miss B!

So, I hope you all got what you wanted for Christmas, coupled with good cheer, laughter, plenty of love, light and happiness, and generally a joyous time.

I had lots of lovely craft stuff in addition to the bits mentioned above - Distress Inks, TH's scissors, 12 x 12 papers, peeloffs in attractive borders, Shapeabilities fleur de lis accents..... I could go on....
I'll leave you with one last chuckle though - on his wish list, Mr B had asked for a new memory stick, a 4GB "peg". Lil Miss B gave him this - a fridge magnet to clip his notes to.....
Catch you on the hop!
Lovely happy post but what is a Geocache walk please? Could have done with one of those myself on one day of this past week.
May I take this opportunity of wishing you and yours a Good 2012. Hugs, Neet #4 xx
Love that you went geocatching for Christmas! It is on our want to try list...just haven't gotten the GPS yet. LOL! Great job on the ornament! Happy WOYWW!- Amanda #9
Looks like you were a very good girl this year to get all those lovely pressies. Exercising on christmas day paid off with meeting the orginator of the cache win. (Sounds like something from the "lord of the rings"), I on the other hand ate way too much and then had a nap!! sad but true. Looking forward to another year of woyww and wishing you a very happy new year.
Geocaching sounds interesting, love your clean desk and that smile on ubbys desk.
Bridget #14
Hi Morti a very busy post indeed you have had loads of fun!! and loads of stash too by look of last pickie.. . Happy WOYWW! Love, Shaz in Oz. x #24
Wow 6 mile walk on christmas day sounds fantastic, I think thats a lovely way to spend time together and as your daughter enjoys it, wonderful, Love your beaded stocking, Happy 2012, Hugs May x x x x
What a fab thing to do on Christmas Day! Yay to you all for the success, especially the honour of Mince pies from the cache creator!
The beaded stocking is gorgeous, clever you :) My bauble has attracted lots of positive comments!
May 2012 be wonderful for you all,
Hugs, LLJ #35 xx
PS Nice gag, Lil Miss B!!!
That "memory stick" was a funny idea :D
You seem to have been very kind, ´cause you got that much gifts! You need a bigger tree...
Tuire #36
Love the beaded stocking, it is fabulous, and all your presents. All over for another 12 months now but at least I can shut everyone out of the dining room, get back my table and get the inks out.
Ann B
Yay! A fellow geocacher! I like the idea of Christmas geocaching, and go on you getting an 11 year old out for 6 miles, hehe :) I was out caching yesterday - in between storms. We had winds of over 100 mph on Christmas Day so I didn't leave the house! Happy WOYWW! Tango, #37
Wow! Love your post- you obviously had a fantastic Christmas! Love the 4gb peg too- hilarious. Hope you have a fantastic New Yera too, see you in 2012, Shaz xx
Fun post, lots of beautiful things, Love the tree. We too had some terrific warm weather here. Very Unusual..Happy WOYWW, may you and yours have a wonderful, healthy NEW YEAR.
We don't do it often, but we've been known to geo around the place a bit. a handful in tidworth but most were smashed, sadly. Looks like you weren't so naughty after all! The tree ornament is beautiful, really worth all your patience. Wonder how long the mega beady decoration will take!
Wow 6 mile walk christmas day thought of it im tired !Well done you .Love the 4gb peg board...lol
Looks like youve had fab time.
Here's hoping you Have Happy Healthy,Creative New Year
Hugs Judex 57
Sounds like an awesome Christmas Day! Happy, Happy, Merry, Merry!!!
A fun way to enjoy a family Christmas! It was so mild and we enjoyed a Christmas morning walk beside the Severn in Shrewsbury. Happy New Year. x Jo
I had to google Geocache...very interesting and sounds like fun.
That sounds like a fun way to spend Christmas. You must have been a very good girl to get all those wonderful pressies.
Happy WOYWW and Happy New Year!
Sandy #73
Sounds like fun! Wishing you a creative 2012 xx
my boys had both climbed snowden at 3 and 5 respectively, they walk every where or cycle if they want to get there fast, they have no concept of couch potatodom
it's the way we raise them
tree is grogeous, your beadwork stunning, and that peg thing is just hilarious,
hippo nude year
Ah, Morti, I feel like the last to land on planet earth ... what is a geocache, please? Lovely post, and love all the photos of your happy day. I hope that 2012 brings you and yours health, happiness and prosperity. Elizabeth x #65
That beaded stocking is so beautiful, a real work of art. It looks as though your weather on Christmas Day was brighter than ours, which was dull and dismal. That geocaching walk sounds such fun, giving you a real purpose, ideal for children. Hope you have a wonderful New Year, with good health happiness and fun, geocaching or crafting. Maggie #49
Christmas geocaching would certainly beat the post Christmas dinner slump, and also work up an appetite for some more food! Looks like it would have taken about 3 days to get through those gifts, not just a day! Looks like you were a very good girl this year, lovely gifts and beautiful bead work too. Have a great New Year.
Brenda 58
Help - what is geocaching? At any rate, a nice long walk with family and big adorable dog sounds perfect.
Have a wonderful and crafty 2012!!
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