Greetings and salutations, lovely deskers. Welcome back to another round of WOYWW, hosted by the lovely Julia over at Stamping Ground. For all the deets check here, but do have a read below first!
I have been somewhat AWOL for the last four weeks. Sincere apologies. Life kind of got in the way, not least with the ailing health of my father in law which culminated in him passing away on Easter Sunday, the 4th of April.
Bill had Alzheimer's, and was heading into the last stages of it. He'd got to the point where he - like small children are wont to do - would spit out any tablets he was supposed to be taking, or would hide them in his mouth and throw them away. This wasn't good for a man on heart medication, but became a much bigger issue when he needed antibiotics for a urinary infection. He ended up in hospital on IV antibiotics, and did rally, but then as is all too often the case developed pneumonia. As he had a DNR in place, he was allowed to slip away in peace with the nurses making him as comfortable as possible. His funeral is on the 21st April.
Now, those of you who know my family (or indeed have seen on FB), will know that my in laws are up in Liverpool and we are down in Cornwall. So there has been a bit of to-ing and fro-ing, and there will be next week. Poor Miss B is at Uni in Exeter, too, and her dissertation is due in on the 28th April. I believe she's applied for an extension, as Granddad was a special man in her world.
RIP Bill
Anyway - you've not come here to see me witter on about family news. To the desk!
Oh dear.
Yes, not much has been done this month. There's been a bit of stitching but not overly much. Well, I say that...
In my last blog post I mentioned that the March Mayhem didn't go according to plan? It failed miserably. I finally finished off the sassy spider...
And started the next Mill Hill Kit....
And that was it. Can you tell what it is yet? LOL
I also finished the Hardanger! Suggestions on what to do with it, please... It's too small for a tray cloth, too big for a scissor keep. I could frame it but I rather suspect it's going to end up languishing in a box somewhere.
The Peppermint Purple SAL has moved on, but is still behind...
The Moose on the other hand has moved on a fair bit...
and Siren's Lament has had some notable work done on it!
The last round of Myth & Magic Stitch Wars really took it out of my team - it was stressful (but fun) and has left us debating continuing. It doesn't help that FB isn't geared up for that sort of thing and was very glitchy, so the organisers are now trying to move it off FB and onto other platforms but we're not sure it'll work.
It's Mr B's birthday on Friday, and I've made something for him but can't share it here for fear he'll see it. I mean, he rarely looks at my blog, but this would be the one time, ya know? I’ll share it next time!
I shall love you and leave you here.... Happy Hopping!