Posting twice in two weeks? This can't be true. But it is, and here I am.
Welcome to the wonderful world of WOYWW, courtesy of the lovely Julia.
My desk this week is the same as last weeks – knitting on the sofa. I'm actually knitting two projects at the moment, but only one is for public consumption. The other one is a Christmas present and, I have to say it, there is a risk for once that the recipient will see it if I post it here and on Facebook. So you will have to content yourself with just the baby clothes.
This most recent batch of knitting has taught me some new stitches and some new skills. Ironically enough it's a pattern I've not done before and yet project number two also uses elements from the same project so it's been quite amusing really.
I have also tidied up the Craft Room as some of you will have seen from Facebook this week. This wasn't just down to the craft room needing a tidy up, which it did most definitely, but the fact that Lil' Miss B needed somewhere else to do homework that was more conducive to the sport. That is, not full of distractions of her bedroom, and a bit more space for opening up that pesky A3 art folder. Nothing exciting going on in there at the moment, though there is plenty of intention to start!

Well, time I was off to work so I will see you on the hop! Happy Wednesday!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Hi there Morti!! Pretty baby knitting - I had loads of little cardigans and pram sets when my littlies were young, NOT made by me I hasten to add. A nice tidy craft room - well every surface here is piled high and I am working in the preverbial six inches - just can't bear the thought of stopping to tidy up. Happy WOYWW Cindy #30
Lovely work space you have, I'm planning to buy such a shelf,is it useful? Vicky(#20)
The blanket is beautiful - some complex but effective patterns there. You have more patience than me, obviously!! Lol...I'm going for the thought-free crafting this week :-)
Hugs, LLJ 7 xx
Craft room tidying- it seems to take forever, but at least I always find stuff I'd forgotten about,lol.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #9 xxx
Very pretty knitting and a great workspace for studying. Have a wonderful week of crafting.
I love you knitting! It looks beautiful!
Greetings, Sofie #17
How is it possible that there aren't any distractions in your craft room? I find mine full of nothing but. Ha. . .I guess it's different for kids though. The space looks great!
Hope #46
Hope your hard work tidying your craft room is appreciated! Good luck with the knitting. Helen #1
What delicate knitting! Hope you get your work desk back now you have offered to share it! Ali #4
Such a tidy desk you have and your knitting is wonderful love the way your pattern goes through out it hugs Nikki 5
Aw lovely knitting, nice pattern. You're very brave. See, I would find your craft room waaaaay more distracting than a bedroom. But then I'm not a teenager anymore. Sob!
beautiful knitting! great work space. I think the pumpkin is a little scary!!Thanks for sharing!!Have a great week, Ginny # 12
tidying craft room seems to be a hobby all to itself. I never get pasting finding something that spurs on an new idea and a mess.
Monica #40
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